If you’re new to overnight hiking, trying to fit all your gear in your rucksack can be a daunting experience, but when you break it down every item will have its place and hopefully, it will all fit! It’s very important to have the weight of your gear packed in the right place to make sure you don’t hurt yourself and to keep you balanced.
Not only do you need to think about the weight but also what you will need to access during the day and what order you will need to take things out of your hiking pack when you reach camp.
Waterproof your gear
The first thing you need to do before you start packing is to make sure your gear is waterproof, not all of it needs to be waterproof but your sleeping bag, sleeping mat and clothes should be completely waterproof to the point that you can submerge your pack in a river and they will still be dry!
The best way to do this is to use a pack liner.
This can be a high quality completely waterproof liner such as the sea to summit pack liner series or it can be a heavy duty garbage bag.
This liner “lines” the inside of the back so that all your gear goes into the liner and stays nice and dry.
You may like to individually pack some items in dry bags or compression dry sacks.
Pack your sleeping bag and mat first
Once waterproofed you can start packing your gear.
Pack your sleeping gear such as your sleeping bag and sleeping mat first down the bottom of your pack (if you are using a closed cell foam mat you may like to put this on the outside of your pack as it is quite large).
Pack your clothes in the spaces
Around the sleeping bag and mat, you should stuff all your clothes pushing them into all the little holes
Remember to keep a puffer or warm jacket handy at the top of you pack.
Pack heavier cooking items close to your back
Next, pack in lightweight cooking gear, placing the heavier items such as the fuel closest to your back.
This helps to position more of the weight over your hips.
The hips are the best part of your body for carrying heavy gear, with the small of the back most suited to carrying the brunt of the weight.
This is done to lower your centre of gravity and increase your stability (especially when walking on uneven terrain).
A bag with a ridged back will also help to carry the load and protect your back from being poked by sharp instruments.
Carry a water bladder
Similarly to above, place the majority of your water against your back on top of the cooking gear.
The best way to carry water is in a bladder as the bottles are okay, but they take up the same amount of space even when empty.
Place food around your water and away from your back
Food is best placed around the water and a bit further away from your back.
Again, try to put the heavier items towards your back and the light items around the edge.
Place your tent at the top of the bag
This may strike some controversy, but place your hiking tent towards the top of your back against your shoulders.
The reason is that your tent is the first thing you set up when you get to camp and the last thing you pack away when you leave (especially if it’s raining), so it good to have it handy.
It’s also a very easy item to remove and get to your food and water during your hike.
Placing it directly on your shoulders will ensure you are balanced and carrying the weight through your legs.
Keep a jacket or puffer close to the top
The last thing you place in the main compartment of your pack is a warm jacket..
Even though you may be warm while you’re hiking you will cool down very quickly when you stop for a break.
If you’re working up a sweat it can be a good idea to remove your shirt and put on just your jacket when you stop to ensure you don’t get too cold.
Close your pack liner when full
Now that your main compartment is full, close your pack liner.
Rain Coat and First Aid Kit in the top pocket
Just about all packs have a pocket in the top lid of the pack.
Use this to place for your rain coat and first aid kit; two very important items that may be needed quickly.
Make sure your first aid kit is completely waterproof.
If you have the room you can also place snacks up top.
Toiletries, tools and electronics, knives and accessories go in the little pockets
Again, most rucksacks will have either pockets on the side or at the front of the pack.
This is where you place all the little items such as toiletries, toilet paper and trowel, head torch, multi-tool (pocket knife), wallet, keys, phone etc.
If you don’t have any other pockets you will need to squeeze these items in your top lid pocket or in your main compartment.
It may take you a few goes to get it right and for your first time, pack and re-pack your rucksack a few times, testing it out to make sure you have the balance of weight correct. You don’t want your pack to be lopsided or pulling you backwards and you don’t want any sharp bits poking you through the harness. A neat pack is usually a well-packed pack so keep everything neat and tidy, don’t hang anything on the outside of your pack (unless it’s your roll mat or hiking poles) and make sure you pack is fitted correctly. Once you get more experienced you will find the perfect place for every item you take but the instructions above will give you a good idea of what to pack where and how to distribute the weight. If you take the time to pack your rucksack correctly your body will thank you for it and you will have a much more enjoyable time!