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Ever since I can remember I’ve been interested in maintaining vitality through lifestyle choices.
In my early twenties, I struggled with chronic spastic colon. This was quite debilitating at times and growing up as an active person it was seriously affecting my abilities. Frequent doctor’s visits and prescription drugs couldn’t solve the problem.


Trying to find answers for myself, I attended several health seminars by Prof. Walter Veith. Never setting out to become a vegetarian, much less a vegan, I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever. After cleansing my system with a vegan diet, I soon realised that I had found the optimum way to not just fight and overcome disease but also live a life filled with vitality.

Jolande Baker

That was 1995. Over the years I have learnt through personal experience underscored with tertiary education how much we can improve our health by following certain principles.


Remaining active is a privilege for me and I enjoy kite surfing, surfing, trail running, mountain biking, swimming, multi-sport events and much more. I credit my Creator and vegan lifestyle for the vitality I still enjoy.

With NutriCoach I aim to educate others about the power they have to change their lives for better and that when we become conscious of what we fill our bodies and minds with, we become accountable for our physical and psychological health. 

Advanced Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor – The Health Science Institute; Nutritional Therapy – The Shaw Academy; Fitness Diploma – New Skills Academy; Swim Coach & Co Owner –,- O.A. Dip. (Women's Health Practitioner)

Liza Serfontein

It all began on a BMX track in the Free State, then moved on to road cycling the national team and a pro career. The natural extension from there, mountain biking and adventure racing!

As an athlete, I was aware of nutrition and had some challenges with various allergies that affected me, but never considered it a major component, my idea of quality nutrition has dramatically changed since then.

Pushing hard physically and not nourishing my body sufficiently the long-term effects where debilitating, everything came tumbling down with a complete system failure. Spent many hours with tests, doctors, and gurus trying to regain vitality and health.

I landed on a plant based whole food diet and for the past 10 years have lived a balanced (not perfect), vegan lifestyle. This has been a challenging journey but has cleared up my allergies, restored health, & vitality and enabled continued enjoyment of multi-sport events, mountain biking, kite surfing, trail running, swimming and much more. 


With the knowledge, gained on this journey and understanding the demands that are placed on top athletes, I find myself in a privileged position to share with others a lifestyle & resources that will give them vitality, quicker recovery time and enhanced strength in the long run.


Intec college Sport Psychology, Fitness & Nutrition, Sport Science Diploma – RAU, Massage therapist, Dip C ( inst.NH ) Counselling, Wannabe Photographer ; Swim Coach & Co Owner –

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